Meta AI

MetaAI seamlessly integrates the digital realm, powering an interconnected ecosystem with cutting-edge technology.

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  • MAI


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MAI (MetaAI Token) is a meta-universe ecosystem based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC) that provides users with a variety of functions, including AI synthesis, pledge mining, and SWAP coin trading. MFT represents MetaAI FOUNDATION LTD's meta-universe investment operation, combining real world assets with digital assets to provide solid value support.

MFT uses an innovative VE (Pledge Reward) economic model that releases token incentives on a daily basis, enabling MFT holders to enjoy substantial benefits. Whether you are a digital asset investor or a DeFi enthusiast, MFT offers you a platform full of opportunities and potential.


Experience the evolution of the Internet with MetaAI, a system that integrates Web3.0, the metaverse, social media, DApps, AI, GameFi, tokens, DAOs, commercial finance, and collaborative partnerships.


Phase 01

Concept and Development

Define the core concepts and functionalities of MateAI.

Assemble the development team and establish the project architecture.

Develop the MateAI smart contract and basic blockchain features.

Phase 02

Testing and Optimization

Conduct internal testing to identify and fix bugs.

Optimize the performance of the smart contract and blockchain.

Perform user testing, gather feedback, and make improvements.

Phase 03

Community Building

Create the MateAI official website and social media platforms.

Launch community incentive programs to attract early supporters.

Phase 04

Platform Launch and Promotion

Officially launch the MateAI platform with basic functionalities.

Conduct marketing campaigns to increase brand awareness.

Participate in industry events and establish connections with potential partners.

Phase 05

Feature Expansion and Ecosystem Building

Develop and launch new features such as DApps and GameFi.

Establish partnerships to enrich the MateAI ecosystem.

Provide developer tools and support to encourage third-party development.

Phase 06

Global Expansion and Long-Term Development

Enter new markets to increase international user base.

Continuously optimize platform performance and user experience.

Develop long-term growth strategies to ensure sustainable development of MateAI.

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